Before embarking on coaching here are some questions that you may be asking and need some help with the answers:
There are a lot of amazing coaches to choose to work with. However, there are also a lot of unqualified coaches who may have the best intentions, but who are simply not qualified to coach. My advice is to always ask what qualifications a coach has, and have they received their qualifications from a reputable institution?
A qualified coach will also be in what is called ‘Supervision’.
Coaching supervision is a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity of the coach through reflective dialogue and to benefit his or her clients and the overall system.
Coaching supervision creates a safe environment for the coach to share their successes and failures in becoming masterful in the way they work with their clients.
What is also important is that you always meet with a coach before agreeing to any coaching relationship. By having a chemistry meeting, this will enable you to make sure that you feel comfortable with the coach and that you will be able to work in partnership with them.
Yes, a qualified coach will enter into what is called a ‘contract’ this is where the coach will set out the terms for the coaching assignment and will inform you that the coaching conversations remain confidential. If there were any safeguarding issues, where by the coach thought you may be at any harm they would then share this with you and suggest or refer you onto another agency/person who would be more qualified to help you, e.g. a Doctor.
There may be several reasons why you have not had a positive experience of being coached. This could have been due to not choosing the right coach, not asking your prospective coach the right questions at the beginning, or maybe you were not in the right space or mindset to be coached. Perhaps your goals were not clear or there were too many? (that said a good coach will always encourage you to have clear goals!), it may also be that your coach did not have enough experience or was not qualified? Maybe the chemistry with you and the coach was not there and perhaps you didn’t feel that you were kept in a safe space. Make sure you always have a chemistry meeting before selecting a coach and meet a few qualified coaches before you decide.
Yes, in the years that I have been coaching experiences has shown me that coaching has benefited my clients, they have told me that the coaching sessions have really helped them get the changes that they have wanted. For this to happen the client must be honest and open with their coach, commit to undertaking actions that they say they will, and have a focus on achieving their goals.
As with most investments, you need to ask yourself “how will this benefit me or what value will this bring to me?” Investing in yourself and your own development can be priceless. Having a coach can lead to lots of meaningful discoveries. Working with a qualified coach will support you to achieve your goals.
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