How it works.

My style of coaching is always tailored to the needs of the client. We are all individuals and have different goals, and ways of working; I will work with you to help you get the best possible results.

I have a flexible approach to the duration of the coaching sessions. These are normally completed within 6-8 months, however it is dependant on the needs of the individual.

My Approach

Once we have had the chemistry meeting and agreed to work together, we will contract to agree the duration of the coaching, the goals you want to achieve and how we will work together. 

I can do face to face coaching or Skype/Zoom or telephone, whichever channel you find best for you.


If coaching sessions are face to face. I will try and suggest convenient locations that are free. If this is not possible and a cost is required, I will discuss this with you beforehand.  I am also happy for my clients to suggest locations that are accessible to both parties.

Being in the right environment for coaching, is key for you as the coachee, regardless of the channel. This should be in a place where you will not be disturbed by others, where you have time to think, and is also quiet – this also applies for me as your coach!



Typical costs for privately funded coaching start from 2 x 90 minutes session at £380.00.

Corporate client’s costs are based upon each assignment.


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